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Coffee grind

Can I use the Fancy Mouse Espresso blend for my espresso machine?

If you want to use your espresso machine, our Espresso Whole Bean variety is the ideal option. Make sure to have a grinder and grind to your preference. Our Espresso blend in the Fresh Ground variety can also be used, but it is not ideal for an espre

What are the details on the ground coffee?

Our Fresh Ground coffee is ground to a medium size grind, which is ideal for drip brewers and pour over coffee.

What is the difference between the coffee in the 12oz bags and the single serve bags?

Our 12 oz bags contain coffee that is ground to a medium grind, which is perfect for drip brewers and pour over coffee, and also compatible for the French press method. Our Single Serve Bags, on the other hand, consist of little pouches filled with c